Wednesday, December 12, 2012

 VDA 5

1. Find a reliable website that can offer pregnant women information about mercury in seafood and will give suggestions as to serving sizes and frequencies that are safe for consumption.

2. Using what you find in the website that you research and what you've read in the article, write a paragraph of at least 6 sentences that explains what mercury is, what it can do to pregnant women and how they can prevent these problems while pregnant.
Mercury can damage many body parts of if exposed to for a long time. It can harm you in places such as you nervous system, lungs and kidneys.  If an expectant mother gets exposed to mercury during her pregnancy, the baby in the womb will experience brain damage and hearing and vision loss. Fish is prohibited to expectant mothers because fish absorb mercury from the water and when a mother is eating the fish, the mercury goes straight to the womb.

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