Friday, February 15, 2013


VDA # 7

1. What is the benefit of checking feces (poop, scat, dung, droppings) for hormones versus checking the blood of the animal?
It ususally stresses the animal out when the scientists capture the animal and draw blood from them rather than just going after their feces.

2. What four things can you learn from an organism's droppings?
It reveals the species that excreted it, the animal’s travels, diet and health.

3. What hormone is produced when some animals are stressed or starving?

4. What did the researchers conclude contributed to the higher stress in orcas and how did the scientists come to that conclusion?
When the Orca Whales' favorite food Chinook salmon's population decreased.

5. Give two reasons why dung beetles climb atop the balls of dung.
In a way, the beetles mark their territory while at the same they protect their lunch from other hungry beetles.

6. What is the relationship between the Kakapo and the Hades flowers? In your answer, be sure to include how each species benefits the other.
The Hades flower is also in decline. In the past, when larger numbers of both species overlapped, kakapos probably dined on the flowers

7. Why is the Hades flower called "Hades" flower?

According to Greek mythology, Hades was the god of the Underworld and underground.  The Hades flower grows underground; the  known territory of Hades.


1 comment:

  1. Please redo. Pay special attention to numbers 4,5 and 6. Complete thoughts are appropriate answers. Thank you!
