Wednesday, May 15, 2013



1) Consider the potential of these 3-D machines, what object would you print that could help the world? Why? 
 - I would also like to print organs or limbs that are very commonly in need of to people. Such as, legs,arms-hands, hearts, brains, livers, kidneys, lungs, or  anything else. many people lose their lives everyday waiting for a transplant.the printer would would give the person that when they need it greatly. the article stated that Ibrahim Ozbolat and "his collaborators are creating biological “inks” that consist of living cells. Eventually, their goal is to harness a 3-D printer that uses those inks to build a living, functioning body part." if a 3-D printer is made and is capable of constructing anything, it can also be used to make the body parts.
 2) From a selfish standpoint, what one item would you print for yourself? Why?
- i would print a whole library (for myself). i already have a whole shelf towering with books but I've read all of them so many times i look at them and say to myself "i have no books! i need more books!" Some people think  reading books is a waste of time (and i have been criticized for reading my books during my free time rather that talking or socializing.) but i believe that books can give you knowledge, even the Greek and Roman mythology-fiction genre can help you gain a little bit of knowledge. books , in my point of view, are in a way sources of education.  

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